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What is the appropriate means of reaching out to WISPR’s Customer Support when the resolution to my issue cannot be located within the provided documentation or videos?
Customer support can be contacted via this link: Report a Problem.
You may also contact support via email at or
Report a Problem or Request a Feature via American-Made Drones | WISPR: Power to the Pro
Ranger Pro Unboxing and Assembly
When attaching the landing gear, which way should the bracket for the antennas face?
Side View of Proper Leg Orientation
My leg bracket connectors are becoming loose frequently. What should I do?
Leg Connector for the Ranger Pro
How should my propellers be attached to the drone?
Top-Down Diagram of Proper Propeller Attachment
When should I check the condition of my propellers?
When replacing a propeller the entire propeller (either CCW or CW) must be replaced, not just one blade!
The high voltage batteries used in the Ranger Pro should be charged on LiHV, rather than LiPo, which is the default setting on the SKYRC dual battery charger that is packaged with WISPR drones. In the event of a power outage in a location where your charger was plugged in, be sure to change your charger back to LiHV- as the charger will reset to LiPo when disconnected from power.
How to set the battery charger to LiHV for charging high voltage batteries, and the battery charging process:
You should see the voltage increasing, as the battery is now charging. If you would like to change a setting, such as balanced charge to fast charge, simply press the start button once to stop charging. Then soft press start again and the selected option will blink letting you know it is ready to be changed. Change the setting using the up or down arrows. Each press of the start button will select the next item on the screen that can be adjusted. Once you have each settings configured the way you would like, press start again to lock the adjustments in.
To see an example of how to charge your batteries correctly, and how to configure your charger settings properly, please watch the video below.
Charging Your Batteries with the Ranger Pro
Charging a LiHV battery on LiPo setting will likely not cause a fire but will not allow a full charge, and can damage the battery. Charging a LiPo battery on LiHV settings can cause a fire. Please be aware of this.
How to determine if a battery is fully charged:
Battery Charging Modes:
If upon plugging a battery in, the battery immediately beeps with an error preventing charge:
Flying with damaged batteries:
NEVER fly with a damaged battery, even if it is minimal damage. This can cause erratic behavior or accelerated battery depletion, which can result in a crash. Replace the battery and safely dispose of the damaged battery.
Proper procedure for inserting the battery into the battery tray:
Proper procedure for powering the drone:
Be sure when powering the drone that the battery plug is flush with the port and inserted in one swift, smooth motion. Inadequate alignment or lingering for too long when making partial contact may result in an electrical arc, causing the wires to generate excessive heat, consequently leading to battery swelling and malfunction. Sometimes it is helpful to grasp an arm of the drone with your other hand to keep the drone stationary. This will prevent the drone from tilting backwards if the plug fights tightly into the port.
Battery instructional videos for charging and insertion can be found here:
First Flight Quickstart for Ranger Pro | Charge Batteries for Ranger Pro
Hot-swapping a battery allows you to swap batteries in your drone while the drone is still powered on. This allows you to extend flight time without having to power down the drone. This also allows you to continue your mission from the previous waypoint without powering down the drone.
To hot-swap a battery, follow these steps:
WISPR hot-swap Cable
Further hot-swap instructional video can be found here: Hot Swap Quickstart Video
It’s important to note that to use only batteries from WISPR, as this can help reduce the risk of accidents or malfunctions. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines and precautions when hot-swapping a battery in a drone.
Hot-swapping during a LiDAR mission:
Please note that when performing hot-swaps while using any Inertial Labs or RESEPI LiDAR payload (such as the Avia Livox or RESEPI Hesai XT32), the time from when the LiDAR begins recording data to the time the LiDAR stops recording data we suggest should not exceed 50 minutes. Typically, this means the Lidar should be rebooted every two flights, if the user is to include two 20 minute flights and allow time on the ground for hot-swapping.
How much battery should the controller have before flight?
We recommend you charge your smart controller to 100% before beginning any flight. This will help prevent mishaps in flight and is the best course of action with safety in mind.
What should you do if your smart controller is not staying charged for long enough in the field?
We suggest buying a portable charger to extend the battery life throughout the day. Below are links to recommendations, but you can purchase any charger that will fit your needs.
What should you do if the LED light on the smart controller is solid/flashing red?
Although the failsafe exists in case of a disconnection or a depleted controller battery, the user should not willingly fly with a low battery controller. The drone will RTL at the height set in WISPRGroundControl General Settings if the failsafe activates. Depending on the location of the drone at the time of the failsafe, it could collide with obstacles on the way back to its launch position.
There will also be no way for the user to make any needed positioning adjustments near the target landing zone. Always check your RTL Height in General settings, and be aware of your surroundings to avoid hitting obstacles during any part of the operation.
My smart controller will not connect to my 5GHz network. What should I do?
Always confirm that the SSID you are trying to connect to is a 5GHz band. If your Wi-Fi connection is a 2.4 GHz band it will not appear in the list of SSID’s in the Wi-Fi menu.
Herelink Settings – Radio Tab
If the controller doesn’t load parameters when opening WISPRGroundControl, what could be wrong?
Access Door of the Ranger Pro & Air Unit Pair/Reset Button
If the smart controller has sustained damage, what should I do?
If the smart controller has been damaged in any way, the controller should be replaced. If you suspect any damage, DO NOT use the controller. This can cause your drone to crash. Always check your smart controller before each flight for any damage. It must be replaced before you fly your drone.
Telemetry data is not displaying properly, or at all during flight.
After trying to arm the drone with the joysticks, an error reading “Compass calibration running” appears, preventing the drone from arming. What do I do?
Herelink Settings – Joystick Tab
Updating WISPRGroundControl and WISPR Flight Firmware
Periodically WISPR will release software and firmware updates that the customer will need to know how to receive, to ensure that their drone is always flying with the latest and greatest we have to offer. Software applies to WISPRGroundControl. Updates for it will only effect settings and elements within the app. Flight firmware updates are less frequent, yet very important updates that can effect flight characteristics.
Can the volume of the controller be muted/unmuted from inside of WISPRGroundControl?
Yes. You can mute all audio output if needed by navigating to the General Settings, then scroll down and check the “Mute all audio output” selection box as seen below. To unmute, uncheck the “Mute all audio output” box.
Mute Audio Output Checkbox
WISPRGroundControl freezes on the controller while in the air/running a mission.
I cannot update WGC. When I run the update tool, the script to install appears, stops, and does not install WGC.
While trying to update WISPR Flight Firmware in Mission Planner, a pop-up reading “Is this a Solo” appears. What should I do?
What steps should I take if the maps appear as a plain white screen, lacking the actual map content?
You’ll need to connect your controller to a 5GHz hotspot, such as your phone (ensure your phone or any hotspot you choose is emitting a 5GHz band). The controller needs access to internet data to display the maps. It is important to note that this is not a guaranteed resolution, but it may assist and is generally the cause behind this issue.
You can also download offline maps while connected to internet so that in locations where you don’t have access or don’t want to tether to a hotspot, the map will be usable on site.
If a mission is being flown higher than the set RTL altitude, will the drone descend to that altitude before the RTL?
No. The drone will ascend if it is below the RTL height, but if the RTL height is set to for example 50m, the drone with RTL at any altitude equal to or greater than that.
Over time, users may encounter pre-arm errors that will prevent takeoff. Usually the user will take note of pre-arm errors in the bottom center of the screen, displayed with a yellow dialog box. The user can also view a log of errors via the megaphone icon on the icon bar at the top of the screen. The icon has two states: no alerts and unread alerts. If there are no alerts it will be displayed as a megaphone icon, and unread alerts will display as a triangular warning icon.
No Alerts Unread Alerts
Below, a list of pre-arm errors that the user may encounter during general operations has been compiled, along with actions the user can take to resolve them.
If you opt to do this, please exercise extreme caution when flying. With this setting disabled, the drone has no collision avoidance active and nothing will prevent the drone from flying directly into an obstacle or bystander.
At what altitude should missions be conducted?
Missions should not be conducted below 164 feet. This is for the safety of you, anyone else present, and the drone itself. The only exception is if you are running a bathymetry payload over open water. If not, you should be flying at or above 164 feet in any missions you conduct.
Can you change mission speed while a mission is already in progress?
Yes. Mission speed can be adjusted, but the mission must be paused in order for it to take effect. Once you pause the mission, you may enter the general settings tab by tapping the WISPR logo in the top left, and change the speed of the mission using the dropdown.
What is the Terrain Altitude overlay emblem shown in the bottom left when planning a mission?
The Terrain Altitude emblem conveys the difference in land and start altitude in terrain follow.
Can KML files, such as a mission you already have planned, be uploaded to WGC?
Yes! You can upload KML files onto Wispr Ground Control in a couple of ways.
If I need to stop a mission while it is in progress and return to launch, do I have to start the mission over completely from the first waypoint on the next launch?
No, the mission does not need to be restarted. A pause feature exists that allows you to pause the mission in order to land, power down (or hot-swap if using one) the batteries, repower, and resume the mission from the most recent waypoint before the pause. Below are the steps to achieve this:
Give this video below a watch for a visual reference on the steps listed above:
Continuing a Mission from the Previous Waypoint
WISPR offers a hot-swap cable option included in all packages.
An important part of Wispr drone packages is the hot-swap cable, which is inserted into the front of the drone where the battery is usually plugged in. The hot-swap cable is not necessary for every flight, but is used when the drone is returned to launch to allow the pilot to replace a depleted battery without shutting down the drone.
Hot-swap Cable Provided by Wispr
Basic Photogrammetry Mapping Mission using WISPR Ground Control
This video will show you everything you need to know to get started with survey mission planning, the standard for photogrammetry operations.
Planning a LiDAR Mission using Wispr Ground Control
This video will walk you through the necessary steps required to plan and conduct a survey mission using a LiDAR payload. The LiDAR featured in the video is the Avia Livox AA450.
What is a structure scan?
A Structure Scan allows you to create a grid flight pattern that captures images over vertical surfaces (e.g. walls of a building) around a structure.
When should I use the structure scan option?
You may use a structure scan any time you like. The most useful cases are for visual inspection or making 3D models of a structure.
With WISPR Drones, you can fly in 50 MPH wind gusts and your payload will remain steady while capturing reliable data and photos. While our drones can tolerate heavy winds, we suggest flying in the most stable weather conditions possible for maximum performance and stability.
What should I do if the lever on my dove tail mount feels loose?
This can be fixed by tightening the nut on the lever. If this cannot be accomplished contact WISPR to have this replaced. Having a loose dove tail mount could lead to erratic flight, poor streaming from the payload, or even loss of the payload.
Dove Tail Mount Beneath the Battery Tray of the Ranger Pro
When picking the Sony A7R in the payload setting dropdown of Wispr Ground Control or in the survey, configurations will change to the default settings WISPR has set for that payload. Changing this may result in mission configurations that do not match ideal values for the mission you wish to conduct. These values may be a changed as needed when planning a new mission.
My pictures are blurry when taking pictures manually or running a mission. How can I make future pictures clearer?
What if the camera feed displays the camera going in and out of mass data storage mode?
Unplug the multi-port cable (top USB-C cable plugged into the side of the camera). Unplug the drone and repower it. Once powered on and Control has loaded the parameters, plug the multi-port cable back into the port.
The camera takes multiple pictures when pressing the camera button on the controller. How can I fix this?
This is a setting that can be changed. Navigate to Menu Settings → Shoot Mode → Drive Mode → Change to Single Shooting.
What if I get a “Battery Exhausted” pop-up on my Sony A7R? What should I do?
This indicates your camera has become overheated, and needs to cool down. You can prevent this by:
The following message appears on the camera screen: “The operation and safety of this battery cannot be guaranteed”
When this message appears, it suggests the Dummy Battery in your camera is degrading. While this should have no effect on the operation of the camera, it will produce this message dialog that the user must clear before use. For a replacement Dummy Battery, contact Customer Support.
An older picture is displayed in the video feed. How can I connect the live stream?
If the camera feed isn’t appearing, what should I do?
After taking off, the camera is going into mass storage (geotagging mode). The camera is dumping the data once the flight is over (going back into mass storage mode), but the images aren’t being geotagged. What could be the problem?
When I try to capture an image with the physical or touch buttons, the camera begins to focus but does not a take a picture. What is the solution?
This is currently associated with two possible causes. The first is that the camera will not capture photos if the SD card is in slot 2 (top slot) rather than slot 1 (bottom slot).
The second reason is correlated with a function of the Sony A7R that will refuse to capture an image if the lens is unable to achieve satisfactory focus. On rare occurrences this has been linked with locking up the touch buttons.
Pictures are not being saved on the SD card in my A7R correctly. How do I resolve this?
Format the SD card through the camera settings. To do this, go to media in your camera menu. You will see the option to format. Rotate the roll-wheel, and select enter by pressing the center button of the roll-wheel to begin formatting. You will receive a message that the card has been successfully formatted when it is complete.
SD Card Formatting Prompt
In Progress
Pictures are somewhat blurry when at maximum zoom. This is making it difficult to process data through Pix4D. What should I do?
If using Pix4D to process your data, it’s optimal to use Pix4DMapper, which supports the Sony A7R IV. Pix4DMapper is designed to process pictures, and should produce good data.
My gimbal will not tilt by using the roll-wheel. What could be the problem?
SBUS Cable Into Quick Attach
SBUS Cable Into Port On the Right Side of the Drone
My gimbal pitch doesn’t adjust while running a mission. How can I resolve this?
Location of Gimbal Pitch During Mission Planning
What if my Gimbal Pitch isn’t set to the angle I would like when planning a survey?
You may change the Gimbal Pitch to a custom angle once you’ve selected “Done with Polygon” and have the polygon the size you would like it, you may now change the gimbal pitch under the mission tab, selecting the correct pitch you would like to run the mission at.
What should I do if running a structure scan and get a “Critical: PreArm: GPS 1 failing configuration checks.” and the .TXT file doesnt save after running the structure scan?
What should I do if my WIRIS camera does not have camera control?
To help you get started using the WIRIS Enterprise with the WISPR Ranger Pro, check out the video linked below:
WIRIS Enterprise Quick Start for the Ranger Pro
How can I update my companion computer to the newest version of the OS?
What if I cannot connect to the Prism but I am able to connect to the OS and Flight Controller?
Drone Mode and CPE Static LAN Address/DHCP Fallback IP Configuration
You will now be able to log into the Prism’s GUI at the address
Prism GUI Home Screen
I have the Prism connected to my companion computer. The Flash Drive connected to the companion computer is not saving data after a survey is complete. What is the issue?
– Check your Flash Drive format, as it needs to be formatted into the FAT32 format. If your Flash Drive is larger than 32GB you will need to use a program (if you are using a windows computer) to format it to FAT32. Windows only allows up to 32GB and smaller to format to FAT32. Wispr suggest using this Program and following the steps to format your Flash Drive to FAT32, if you are using a SanDisk Flash Drive (We send all of our companion computers with SanDisk Flash Drives)
– Go to the Wispr OS ( under System Management → Settings. Check the fallback DHCP is set to If not change to that IP and reboot the drone for that to take effect.
– Check the USB C cable for any damage. If plugged in correctly, the STAT button should be blinking green to let you know you are getting power.
– Check that your Prism IP default is You can check this by plugging the Prism USB cable directly into your computer and accessing that IP address in the address bar.
When recording base data with your RTK base, start logging 15-20 minutes before a LiDAR mission flight on a known point. Ensure the recording continues 15-20 minutes after the mission to have the necessary data for PPK processing the LiDAR data.
Lidar Offsets for LiDAR Payloads
Why is my LiDAR Calibration button not showing up although I have a LiDAR selected as a payload?
The LiDAR calibration button will not show up until the drone is armed and launched. Once it is armed and lauched you will now see the button greyed out on the left side of the fly view screen action bar. You must be at minium 150 feet in the air before the button will become pressable. Once pressed you may now use the slider to begin the calibration.
What should I do If my AA450 LiDAR is constanly beeping after being booted?
This means your license has expired. You may contact Support Report a Problem to have a new liscense emailed to you, which will never expire.
Is the hot-swap protocol for LiDAR payloads the same as other operations that involve hot-swapping?
Not entirely. When performing hot-swaps while using any Inertial Labs or RESEPI LiDAR payload (such as the Avia Livox or RESEPI Hesai XT32), the time from when the LiDAR begins recording data to the time the LiDAR stops recording data, we suggest you should not exceed 50 minutes total time.
When surveying with LiDAR, what coordinate datum should you use when using a PPK base?
When surveying with LiDAR, WGS84 must be used on the PPK base. After you are done processing the LiDAR data it can be converted to NAD83 or any other state plane for review.
What speed will the drone RTL at after completing a LiDAR mission?
If a LiDAR payload is selected in WISPR Ground Control, once the mission is complete the drone will RTL at a set speed of 10m/s, which is the default RTL speed for a LiDAR mission.
How do I post process data with Inertial Labs LiDAR?
The monument coordinates, provided by a surveyor, includes the offset of the pole or pole/quick release. This is so they can provide the coordinates of the point (scribed X, survey nail or monument). PCMaster requires the ellipsoidal height at the base antenna phase center. The distance between the bottom of the base and the units phase center is unique per model and is most of the time published on the unit or in the technical documents. The total offset between the phase center of the antenna and the monument will need to be added to the ellipsoidal height in PCMaster when prompted to modify or accept the latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height.
LiDAR Processing Software Installation
Install the processing software for post-processing the LiDAR data you’ve collected. Follow these steps:
1. Ensure that your computer meets the following requirements:
2. Data Processing Walkthrough:
Where can the RESEPI User Manual be found?
If the RESEPI XT32 is not showing a green button on the GNSS on the side of the LiDAR unit, what should I do?
On the USB thumb drive provided by RESEPI, there exists a folder specifically named boresight folder. Is it necessary to retain this folder on the USB thumb drive?
Yes. The boresight folder contains crucial calibration information and the corresponding data that is utilized. It is very important this folder remains intact, as it serves as the sole backup for the distinct unit’s settings embedded within the firmware. Refrain from making any alterations to the files contained within this folder.
Please note that Windows 11 should not be used when processing LiDAR data. Windows 11 can skew the time of the data as well as the data itself. Avoid using this when you process your data. Windows 10 is suggested.
How do you use a geoid rather than WGS-84 Ellipsoid?
To use a geoid rather than WGS-84 Ellipsoid, you must select the geoid prior to opening the ppk.pcmp file generated after a data capture. It must be selected before any processing of the data. Follow these steps below:
To add a geoid that is not available on the list, follow the steps below:
Where should I download geoids from?
This link to the Geoid via the Novatel list should be used to download your geoid: Waypoint Geoids
Where is RTK data from pictures taken stored?
The RTK data from pictures taken during a mission are stored on the txt file. The data is not stored on the actual pictures themselves.
What is the difference in the RESEPI PCMaster and the RESEPI PCMasterPro? Which should I use?
To view the Quick Start Video Please Visit How to Process RESEPI Data with PCMasterPro
What software and other setup is necessary to fly with the UGCS Echo Sounder?
You will need to download two pieces of software – UGCS and UGCS custom payload monitor, which you can find at these links: UgCS | Downloads, Support & Downloads. Be sure to download the latest versions available.
Additionally, though not explicitly required, it is recommended to download Notepad++ for the process involved in the next step. You can download that here, choosing the latest option: Downloads | Notepad++
Next, in the file explorer of your PC, navigate to This PC → Windows (C:) → Program Files (x86) → UgCS → bin
Successful connection to UGCS with live telemetry data
Successful connection to UGCS Payload Monitor with edited file
What should my line spacing be when planning a Bathymetry Mission?
For planning bathymetry surveys line spacing needs to be 4x the estimated depth of the pond or lake you are surveying.
Which speed should I fly with the UGSC Echo Sounder?
Maximum speed should be 0.8. – 0.9 m/s. To collect high-quality data 0.7 – 0.8 m/s
Mission and manual flight speeds should be set to 0.8 m/s automatically when selecting the EchoSounder payload. Remember that when the EchoSounder is no longer selected, the flight speeds will remain the same, so it will be necessary to adjust them before takeoff when using a different payload.
How do I maximize data precision with the UGCS Echo Sounder?
Echo Sounder should be fully submerged. You have too many spikes and gaps in the data. But I should tell you that the depth match on check lines is just perfect. That means that your approach with slightly submerged echosounder in case of calm water may allow to increase the speed of survey. Maybe you may experiment with just a slightly deeper echo sounder.
Should I use a single or double grid mission type?
It’s almost useless to make a double-grid with an echo sounder unless you are trying to find some object on the bottom
Non-RTK Post-processing.
Data should be processed for the depth, not for elevation.
How do I import NMEA0183 into Hydromagic?
When you import NMEA0183 into Hydromagic, select SDXDR sentence to import both hi and low frequency data
What rangefinder is used for the EchoSounder?
The Ainsten US-D1 radar altimeter has been introduced as the new rangefinder for the EchoSounder replacing the pre existing rangefinder. This rangefinder should be smooth and have no sudden movement.
Flight Modes
What mode should be used to land the drone?
If my drone is not flying smoothly, what should I do?
Note: if you are flying on a windy day, you will observe some movements that are a result of the drone trying to counteract the wind it is in the path of. The more you fly, the better you will be able to discern if the flight behavior you’re seeing is abnormal, or a result of the drone holding its position.
What is a Ground Control Point (GCP)?
What is a Survey Check Point (SCP)?
What spacing is recommended for ground control points for your system?
How many ground control points are needed?
What is the best use of targets for Ground Control Points (GCP)?
Where do ground control points need to be placed?
What is RTK and when should I use it?
How do I set up my RTK system to work with a Wispr drone?
Tap the Icon in the Top Right
The Option Outlined in Red Will Appear
Location of Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot Toggle
Set up your Wi-Fi hotspot with a network name and password then select save. Now you can connect to your tethered Wi-Fi hotspot under your Wi-Fi list.
Network Name and Password Configuration
Successful Connection to RTK Base
For a walkthrough video, visit this link: RTK with WISPR Ground Control Quick Start Video
How do I connect my Here+ RTK to the Wispr Drone through Wispr Ground Control?
How much power is supplied from the front XT60 power output port?
How often should I get my Drone tuned up?
If one of the cooling fans under the bottom plate stops spinning, is it still ok to fly the drone?
Cooling Fans
What should be done if “Open Drone Id : Operator Location must be set” error is thorwn when updated?
If you are on the newest update (or any update past 1.0.0) and get this message, you should go into settings of the Herelink Controller and check to ensure the Location is enabled. If not, switch this on. This will fix the error and will also fix the GPS not getting a fix.
I’ve tried to upload a new version of WGC Flight Firmware through Mission Planner and I get the error “Cannot Read Board”. How can this be fixed?
If you try to load the Custom Flight Firmware onto the drone and you have confirmed everything is connected correctly but you still get this error, check the top right of Mission Planner and ensure the COM port is set to Auto. If it is set to anything else you will not be able to load the Custom Flight Firmware, resulting in this error message.
How do I use the Offline Maps feature and what is its purpose?
Offline maps are a good tool to utilize if you are going to be flying at a later time in an area without Wi-Fi access, but still will need to access maps while flying. Without Wi-Fi, you will not be able to download the maps of the area you are flying in unless previously downloaded through offline maps while connected to a Wi-Fi network to save them.
My gimbal doesn’t adjust to a specific pitch. What is the problem?
Get in touch with us today for inquiries, assistance, or to discuss your needs. Our team is here to help!
With world-class training and support, owning one of our WISPR Systems American-made drones means years of productive and well-supported flying.